How Jobsity Recruits Top Level Developers

Written by Santiago Castro

A lot of things have changed in 2020, but recruiting developers hasn’t -- rather, it’s been changing for years.

For companies unaccustomed to building world class development teams, understanding what to look for in a developer -- especially if the hiring managers aren’t tech experts themselves -- can feel intimidating, complicated, or expensive.

Luckily, at Jobsity, we are recruitment specialists: one of the main ways we ensure your company has the top talent it needs is by recruiting that talent ourselves!

Below are some of the key principals we keep in mind when seeking out your next great developer.

1. Broad Search broad-search

Jobsity uses a range of recruitment applications and maintains a high profile in numerous sites, networks, and communities around South America in order to maintain access to and name-recognition in the places where developers gather. Because of this, we interview over 200 potential candidates a month, and bring almost 50 to the vetting stage.

This means we always have our finger on the pulse; we know who is out there, and we know what talent trends are presenting themselves. And what we know most of all is how many talented developers are living and working in South America. Which is why we are working hard to put them to work (for you!).

2. Excellent English excellent-english

There is no confusion that English is not only the global language of the 21st century, but the premier language of the internet and of online technology. So while 350 million people speak English as a primary or first language, and 400 million speak it as a secondary or working language, everyone who works in tech requires proficiency in English in order to be great at their job.

But at Jobsity, we take not proficiency, but fluency in English as a prerequisite for joining our team. Why? Because being comfortable speaking, understanding, and writing in English creates a fluid and efficient experience for our North American partners, and because coding, developing, and working in tech is an English-language enterprise.

For this reason, it’s part of what we expect from the developers we work with when we ask them to be the uncompromising best!

3. Communication & Emotional Acuity communication

Part of what makes Jobsity unlike other nearshore and staffing solutions is the primacy we place on communication and emotional acuity as a central aspect of our work and of our recruitment practices.

The protocols we follow to recruit candidates (creating leads, administering coding exercises, helping place developers on external teams) are built to be inclusive and fair, and they are built to prioritize not only developers who are technically proficient, but also those who have the people skills and professionalism to thrive in North American workplaces, and as remote employees.

What good is the best technician if what they say, write, and do is unclear or unfriendly? (Not much). For this reason, before we ask candidates to perform their best coding in our coding challenges, we’ve already spoken to them twice: to screen their presentation, professionalism, English skills, and potential for excelling at the communication-heavy, relation-based work that we do.


4. Experience & Skill experience-skill

Jobsity is very proud that 73% of the developers on our team have over 5 years experience writing in one of our 20 language specializations. This, however, is not a coincidence. We maintain such a high level of experienced developers precisely because of the rigor and intensity of our recruitment approach.

Over the years, we’ve noticed that the expression “a mile wide and an inch deep” can sometimes seem true among developers in regards to their skill. As such, we work hard to ensure that our developers go through, and pass, a rigorous and uncompromising skills assessment before we consider placing them in any professional role. We expect our team to possess not only talent, but an ability to apply that talent to solutions-oriented challenges in a variety of scenarios.

And once someone joins our team, we don’t leave it at that. Multiple routes for further skill development and professional growth exist inside Jobsity, so that we aren’t just asking for the best talent, but ensuring this talent remains the best over their time on the team.

5. Culture culture

Perhaps the least tangible and most important on this list is what we call the Jobsity “DNA.” Part of the reason Jobsity maintains a strong talent pool is because we are consistent and insistent that the developers we work with understand and share our culture, which is why we say: “We hire grown-ups, mentor professionals, and treat our employees like family.”

When we say grown-ups, we mean developers who both understand the value of continuous feedback, and want to both give and receive it. When we say mentor professionals, we mean professionals who are eager to learn and grow through our Peer Programming structure and more. When we say we treat our employees like family, we mean we value inclusion, diversity, kindness, care, and respect -- and we expect our developers to do so as well.

Ultimately, our talent is high level because our people are top-tier people possessing talent, not just because they know the ins-and-outs of their language speciality (though they know that too!). When we recruit, we are on the lookout for the Jobsity DNA. And when you work with a Jobsity developer, you’ll get access to that DNA. Which is something we’re very proud of.


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Written by Santiago Castro

With over +16 years of experience in the technology and software industry and +12 of those years at Jobsity, Santi has performed a variety of roles including UX/UI web designer, senior front-end developer, technical project manager, and account manager. Wearing all of these hats has provided him with a wide range of expertise and the ability to manage teams, create solutions, and understand industry needs. At present, he runs the Operations Department at Jobsity, creating a high-level strategy for the company's success and leading a team of more than 400 professionals in their work on major projects.