Behind the Americas’ #66th Fastest Growing Company: An Interview With Jobsity CEO Andres Garzon

Written by Tamar Peterson
3 mins read
Behind the Americas’ #66th Fastest Growing Company An Interview With Jobsity CEO Andres Garzon_In

For many organizations, 2021 was a year of fighting to survive a turbulent market. But Jobsity succeeded in growing its staff by 26% and its client base by 11%. And it’s not for nothing! Jobsity was recently honored on Financial Times’ 2023 list of the Americas’ Fastest Growing Companies, coming in #66 out of 500. In this interview, Jobsity’s CEO, Andres Garzon, reflects on the business decisions that have paved the way for success, how he plans to leverage this exciting time of growth, and what the future has in store.

Jobsity is one of the fastest growing companies in the Americas! How does this accomplishment make you feel, as the company's CEO?

Andres Garzon: What we can say is that we’re doing things right, because no matter how we measure this, it means that we’re choosing the right people, we’ve done the right actions that led us to this great achievement.

Opportunities and luck always come and go. A good company is one that’s prepared for the opportunity. So the job of management is always to be prepared for the opportunity, so when it comes you take it. You embrace it. Because if you’re not prepared, no matter how clearly you see the opportunity, you will not be able to take it.

So this achievement shows that we choose the right people, choose the right team, and we were ready to take the opportunity. That's why I feel very happy and excited about continuing to do things similarly to the ways that we did in the past.

What are the biggest contributors to Jobsity's success? What are we doing right?

AG: Being prepared is recognizing “What are the processes that have the most impact in the company?”

80% of companies succeed because of their sales effort. So you can have a good product, but if you don't have a good sales effort, it's not gonna be that successful. So when I heard that statistic, I said, “We need to become a sales company and start investing in sales processes, in sales methodologies, in the sales team.” And that's exactly what we do. We prepare ourselves in marketing, sales, in all the aspects that will position us to make the sale. That's one of the aspects that had a lot of impact.

But at the same time, we realize that we are a type of marketplace which has two ends: we have to sell to the client and we have to hire people. For hiring, we also created a team and a process of being the best at hiring the best possible people. And that is our secret sauce. That's the product. That's how we have become what we’ve become. So those two things, being able to sell well and being able to recruit the best people, led to this success.

How can Jobsity make the most of its growth?

AG: We created a passion for hiring and we created a passion for selling. If we do these two things right, we can get into different businesses that require these two ingredients, and that’s exactly what we want to do.

We've been able to develop software and processes to hire great people, and a great sales team, and to get great clients, and it’s all based on our company values—and also our “why.” Why are we here? Because we like to change people’s lives. Our clients’ lives, our employees’ lives. And if we are able to do that we can affect different industries, not only IT.

What do you think Jobsity could do better? How might Jobsity change its business strategy in the future?

AG: We can definitely think bigger. We have to believe that we can be a $300, $400 million dollar company. That’s something that not only requires action, but mentality as well. We all have to believe it, believe in the dream. And once we believe it, that's the first step. First believe, then do it.

What sets Jobsity apart from its competitors?

AG: We do care about people. I think that’s a huge difference. And anyone can say “we care about people,” but not everyone can prove it, with their own employees. We talk with our people; they’re happy here.

The feeling of being a small shop, the feeling of having access to the leadership—these are things that people have told me. We’re not that small, but we still work as a small company.

That’s the difference. We have access to leadership that no one else does. And that gives us an advantage. I don't know how long we can keep that going, you know, if we grow to 3000 employees, 4000 employees, every time the structure grows differently. But in general, that feeling is part of the culture and that feeling is part of what we have built. Everyone can talk to me and I will always respond.

Check out the complete list of honorees for Financial Times’ 2023 list of the Americas’ Fastest Growing Companies here. Jobsity’s official press release regarding the award can be viewed here.

A year of success for Jobsity means more software developers, specialties, and expertise at our clients’ fingertips. Book your consultation to scale your tech team today.

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Written by Tamar Peterson

Tamar Peterson is a digital marketer with a background in copywriting, arts programming, and public education. Her work has included teaching writing to diverse groups, advancing employment equity within corporate culture, and serving as an editor for critically acclaimed literary magazines. Tamar is currently the Content Marketing Leader at Jobsity, where she crafts messaging and manages performance of marketing initiatives, sales communications, and the company brand.

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